System News

Friday, June 19, 2020 - Roper St. Francis Healthcare does not tolerate social media construed as racist or discriminatory

Roper St. Francis Healthcare is committed to denouncing racism, advocating for social justice and remaining steadfast in living our mission of “healing ALL people with compassion, faith, and excellence.”

Social media has become, now more than ever, a place to share thoughts and engage in discussion over current events. We acknowledge that opinions vary broadly, and we understand that our teammates may be grappling with their own feelings and emotions throughout this difficult time.

However, Roper St. Francis Healthcare does not tolerate social media commentary from our employees that can be construed as racist, discriminatory or that contradicts our mission. Violations to our policy are being addressed swiftly.

Derogatory and discriminatory comments create mistrust in our community and cause patients to question whether we will provide excellent care for ALL people.

We expect every employee to serve as an ambassador for our organization, and we recognize that our community, our patients, are listening to our words.

Melanie Stith
Chief Human Resources Officer
Roper St. Francis Healthcare

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